Mar 31, 2023
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages podcast host Hilary Harley walks listeners through the cosmic energies for April 2023. Take advantage of the first few weeks when ALL planets are still cycling direct motion to buy large ticket items such as houses, cars, technical devices, book travel plans or sign major contracts. Because after Thursday, April 20th, the energy gets dicey, kicking off with the first eclipse of the year, immediately followed by Messenger Mercury turning retrograde motion. For the rest of the month, rely on the RE words: rest, restore, research, review, etc. Not only will Mercury be retrograde but we are also between eclipses, the second of which occurs on May 6th. You may find your efforts gaining little to no traction. Best to focus on what IS working, plan and do your homework as you will needs reserves of energy when the engine of progress churns forward again in a few weeks!
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
Instagram: hilary.harley